Monday 8 October 2012

The Customer's Experience on Using Android, Blackberry and Apple (2008-2012)

This time I had an interview with my friend, Rachma. She's using three types of mobile phones at the same time. 1 from Blackberry, 1 from Apple and 1 from Samsung. Yes, the three top mobile phones company at this era.

Firstly, she is sharing the disadvantages & advantages of using Blackberry. She is using Blackberry Curve 8520 at the moment. I put in the picture on the left hand corner for you to see.

Q: What do you feel is the advantage of using Blackberry?

A: The Advantages of using Blackberry are the amazing features provided by Blackberry Messenger (BBM), it allows easy access of communication between people across borders. Since my parents live overseas, it is easier for me to communicate with them using BBM. BBM provide instant reply that makes communication much more easier. It also provide me an easy access towards my email, as it synchronize my mail and chat engines every second.

Q: What is the disadvantage of Blackberry?

A: I feel that Blackberry systems are lacking behind, comparing it towards Apple and Android. The Blackberry World, which is the place to download applications are a bit slow when downloading applications. Blackberry also frequently slows down when you have added too much BBM contacts.

Secondly, she is sharing the disadvantages & advantages of using iPhone. She is using iPhone 3Gs at the moment. I put in the picture on the left hand corner for you to see.

Q: What do you feel is the advantage of using iPhone?

A: I used iPhone on 2009, when I see lots of people in Australia had started to use iPhone. I used iPhone because of iTunes, making it really easier for listening to songs. It works on both ways for me, like and iPod + a phone. Its easier for me to zoom through files and the quality of the pictures still looks great. It also was a tools for me to play games, before Samsung S3 came out.

Q: What is the disadvantage of iPhone?

A: 1 feature that i dislike of iPhone is the push notifications. It seems that its lagging behind in terms of receiving chats, updates as well as email. I have to wait for 15 minutes at least, for it to synchronize and for me to receive my emails. I also dislike how most of the apps such as whatsapp requires me to pay, while its made for free in Samsung and Blackberry.

The third and last one,  she is sharing the disadvantages & advantages of using Samsung . She is using Samsung Galaxy S3 at the moment. I put in the picture on the left hand corner for you to see.

 Q: What do you feel is the advantage of using Samsung?

A: I feel like Samsung is the best thing ever. I fell in love with the 8 Megapixels camera it provides, it was much more cleaner and clearer. I love the free apps that Samsung gives, as I feel it was quite generous. I like Samsung Notes where I could scribble on my handwriting when i feel lazy on using keypad. 

Q: What is the disadvantage of using Samsung?

A: I just had one disadvantages, its that on campus when i enter certain area without signals, it continues to display signs that i don't have signals, even if i already move to other area that have signals. When that happen, i have to restart it all them time. And i thing that is the most annoying disadvantages of  my Samsung phone.

Alright guys, that's it.. I try to provide real customer's experience so that hopefully you will gain a useful insight from this experience. Sorry that i keep it short, as i was doing it at my business law lectures.

PS: Sorry for the bad quality of the pictures, took it during lectures.


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